Preparing the loom….
I spent this week getting my loom warped and ready for weaving.
I’m using a simple frame loom with nails to hold the warp.
1. The nails are set so I will have 8 warp ends per inch (8 epi)
2. A support devise holds the heddle bars. Since the weaving starts at the bottom and moves upward the heddle bar support is only clamped to the frame this way I can move it higher when needed.
3. Next I looped string around every other warp thread.
Using as second bar I looped the remain warps.
4. When the heddle bars are in the neutral position the warp is at rest.
When I raise a bar, the heddles lift every other warp thread creating the ‘shed’.
This way I don’t have to lift each warp individually = weaving is much faster!!!
5. Now let the weaving begin……