
Doin’ Demos

I would not be doing what I do today if it were not for demos.

Yes…. I was the kid mom and dad would lose at places like Greenfield Village – part of the Henry Ford museum complex in Dearborn, Michigan, Historic Mystic Seaport in Connecticut, or any of the Mackinac State Historic Parks at the northern tip of Michigan’s lower peninsula.  The 5 of us kids would all be there one minute and the next thing they knew… there were only 4.  Luckily, it did not take them long to figure out where to find me = simply backtrack to the last place that had demonstrations and there I would be… still watching….. completely spellbound.  At all of these places.. and many more…. I saw weavers, spinners, dyers, blacksmiths, woodworkers, glass blowers, ropemakers, coopers…. all plying their trade for everyone to see. Everyday people actually DOING these crafts with skill and artistry – creating magic right before my eyes and I would lose all track of time… and my family as they moved onto the next thing.

Demonstrations are a fabulous way to connect the general public to skills and crafts that are no longer part of our modern everyday life and I love doing them.

-3  IMG_7458   demo2013_pic by Jen Stafford

I’ve done them at our guild sales and at fairs.  My work as a storyteller, along with my fascination with odd bits of off-beat information, certainly helps.

IMG_7522  Showing how things are done….

IMG_20140712_090647_303  letting people touch the wool and yarns….

weaving demo_3  and giving them have a chance to throw the shuttle….

create tactile hands-on experiences that can stay with someone their entire life.  Telling the stories of the workers in the mills, how fortunes were made and lost, and where the terms and sayings we use today originated brings dry facts of history to life and connects us to our past.  This is where cloth comes from….. this is how it’s made…. and these are people who make it today.



One of the fun things about doing demonstrations is that you never know what may come out of the experience. Because I’m talking with people as I work and need to be able to stop at any given moment to answer a question or give a quick recap, I do not attempt to create anything complex –  I just play and try out ideas. This was true at the last AAFG Holiday Sale when I made a hat using silk chiffon fabric covered with layers of merino wool and silk fibers as embellishmentto to demonstrate wet felting. Because this hat can be turned inside out, you get to choose which ‘look’ strikes your fancy = more intense color or muted color.


I was pleased with the experiment and continued playing with the idea in different colors.

reversible green hat reversible red hat reversible blue hat


Not only can doing demonstrations educate and allow for experimentation, they can be a welcome distraction.  For the past 12 years members of the Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild have been weaving at the University of Michigan Medical Center as a form of entertainment and distraction for patients and family members who are waiting to see the doctor.  Currently we are in the lobby of the Cancer Center and the cloth woven is made into hats that are given to patients undergoing chemo and other treatments.


“We are so pleased to have this wonderful skill shared with our patients,
not only for the calming affect it has by sitting and observing the weavers,
but also for the lovely hats made for our patients from the weavings.”

Share….. Educate…… Outreach…… Connect…….
all this and more can be found when doin’ demos!

Critic or Critique?

Critic (noun) a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something

For many people, including myself, the idea of having your art judged does not bring happy thoughts to mind and can crush creativity.  My elementary school did not have an art teacher.  A picture from a magazine would be taped to the chalkboard and we were simply told “Draw this.”  The results were always graded using letter grades (A to E) one for content and and one for neatness.  My work, if I was lucky, might…. just might…. get C-/D and there were no suggestions to help me improve my work.  To this day the thought of drawing something sends me into an anxiety attack.

Critique (noun) a detailed analysis and assessment of something

Getting a thoughtful critique can raise art to new levels, broaden perspective and increase creativity. Last year I worked on large felt wall hanging for the annual Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild show which runs the month of February in the lobby of the Power Center for the Performing Arts here in Ann Arbor, MI.

View From Above
(28″ x 82″- felted wool fibers)


This was one of the largest felt pieces I’ve ever made and felting it was physically demanding.  I was pleased with the design – the mix of colors and line movement.  It made a statement, especially from a distance.  I believed it was good enough, so fingers crossed….. I submitted it.

It was not selected and in my disappointment I suddenly found myself emotionally back in elementary school.  But here is where ‘critique’ turned this experience from the negative ‘critic’ into something positive.  The jury committee had made comments.  Some were positive (it was felted well and it did catch attention from a distance) PLUS there comments about where it still needed work:
1) there is no real change in value (light/dark) within each of the colors used
2) there was nothing new to discover once you stepped closer

So for the next year I thought about what I could do to embellish this piece yet stay true to my desire to only use felting techniques.

Using a barbed needle to punch fibers into place,


I needle felted silk fibers to give a broader range of color value and bring more interest and details, then I repeated the wet felting to blend everything together.

Top detail – before and after

ViewFromAbove_top          CoastalWaterways_top

Bottom detail –  before and after

ViewFromAbove_bottom         CoastalWaterways_bottom

I am happy to say that Coastal Waterways was accepted for this year’s Power Center Show.

Critic or Critique?  It’s all in how you say it and where the emphasis is placed.

Coastal Waterways
(26″ x 79″ – felted wool & silk fibers)


Look Ma….. No Seams!

In the middle of September I spend 3 fabulous days in a felting workshop with international feltmaker and clothing designer Charity Van der Meer from the Netherlands.  The workshop was organized by Michigan felt artist Dawn Edwards and held at Design Street, a community art education center in Plainwell, Michigan.


The old fire station has lots of natural light and plenty of space for 12 large felting stations.

IMG_6033   IMG_6034

Charity’s work is amazing!  She combines colors, textures and shapes to create clothing that is soft, light weight and comfortable to wear.


The  focus of this workshop was to make a one-piece nuno felted dress or skirt with an emphasis on pleating, layering and adding godets to the design.  Using her very simple but effective patterns we were encouraged to use our imagination and develop our own fashion ideas.  We calculated our starting dimensions (the dress will shrink 100%) and Charity showed us how trace out our patterns onto plastic and add the godet panel(s).  [A godet is a triangular piece of material inserted in a dress, shirt, or glove to make it flared or for ornamentation.]


Using silk chiffon fabric and merino wool fibers we created layers wrapping the silk & base wool around the plastic pattern.  The plastic works as a resist to keep the wool & silk from felting into a 2D shape instead of the 3D shape needed to be a dress.  Overlapping the silk fabric and wool fibers at the shoulders and sides creates the ‘seam’ so no sewing is involved!!

IMG_6031 IMG_6032

Day 2:  The silk fabric & wool fibers are layered for the other side but this time making sure to cover the godet separately.

IMG_6036  IMG_6039

Now the fun begins = adding the details and embellishments to the dress!!  I used wool fibers, silk fibers, polyester lace fabric, blended wool/silk fiber, plus wool and silk yarns.


Wet down the front of the dress with warm soapy water.


Layout my design and wet down the back.


Sandwich everthing between plastic……


Roll it all up in an anti-skid rug mat and old sheet then start rolling…… rolling…. rolling….


Day 3: Continue  rolling…. rolling… rolling…..

Now it’s time to unwrap and try it on!  (Oh…. was this the part soggy!!!)
And…. oh my gosh…. it fits like a glove!!

IMG_6059  IMG_6078

Charity helped smooth and give finishing touches to everyone’s dress.

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And we all went out for a group photo.  Each dress and skirt was true one-of-a-kind work of art!!!

workshop participants

I even had enough time to layout a shorter top before leaving and felted it at home the next day.

IMG_6089  IMG_6083

This workshop was just the ticket to my get my creative juices flowing this fall!  I will definitely continue to work with this technique and I’ve made a note in my 2016 fall calendar = Charity may be back to give another workshop!!








Samurai: Beyond the Armor Fashion Design Competition

Arriving early at the Detroit Institute of Arts for a talk ‘The Medieval Art of Swordplay’ by Jeffrey Forgeng who is the curator at the Higgins Armory Museum – Worcester Art Museum, I stumbled upon the creations by 10 local designers which had just dazzled the runway in an unusual fashion show at the DIA.  The fashion show was the culmination of a competition hosted by the DIA and Detroit Garment Group Guild (DG3), in which the designers were challenged to create outfits inspired by the DIA exhibition, Samurai: Beyond the Sword.  These garments were amazing!!!


I may have missed the formal runway show but being able to stand next to these exquisite garments afterward as the models moved about the sunlit Rivera Court….


To see them ‘up close’…. oh this was my lucky day!  Check out DG3’s site for photos of the all the entries.


The Saga of the Green Man comes to an end

The weaving completed, I cut the Green Man off the loom on January 13, 2014
…only 1 year later than planned.


Now the finishing work began: all the warp threads knotted and secured, the long gap in the center forehead leaf sewn shut, clean up the back (weave in/sink the weft ends), plus there was a lot of rippling in the tapestry because my warp tension had become very uneven.

gaps and ripples  15_sewing loose ends

Crossing my fingers that blocking would eliminate the rippling, I put him onto the shower floor to wet down then I pinned him facedown onto a piece of foam board to block, squaring up the 4 sides.  I stood him up in the bathtub to drain over night then moved the board near the floor register for the next 4 days to dry.


Once he was throughly dry, I unpinned him and turned him over.  To my joy…. the blocking had eliminated the rippling = whew!!!  Twill tape was sewn to the top and bottom, turned to the back and sewn down.  Finished tapestry dimensions: 18″ x 18″.  I used velcro to mount him onto black matboard and made a simple black frame.  Final dimensions: 25″ x 25″.  I packed him up and dropped him off to be juried.

Green Man_Barbara Schutzgruber

The Green Man was accepted for the AAFG 2014 exhibit at the Power Center for the Performing Arts in Ann Arbor, MI.  We hung the exhibit on Tuesday, February 4th and it runs through the month of February.

Library - 6219  Library - 6216  Library - 6218  Library - 6213  Library - 6211

He is nicely positioned so he can check out everyone as they enter the theater from the lobby…. and is watching to make sure no food or drink is brought inside!

My daughter Andrea, who did the orignal painting, announced the other day, “Hey, Mom…. I’ve got an idea for our next painting/tapestry collaboration….. “

Weaving in Wales – Summer school comes to an end….

As we packed up our weaving, tools and looms we paused to give a big THANK YOU to our instructor, Alastair Duncan.  For 7 days he encouraged us as we honed new skills…..

challenged us to push our art…..

help us work through the ‘bumps in the road’ that come with every project…..

and was completely taken aback when he opened our Farewell & Thank You gift…..2_Alastair opening bobbins  3_Alastair holding up bobbins
2 beautiful wood bobbins with brass tips!

The final event of the week is the Gala Dinner where folks ‘clean up pretty darn good’!
Andrew Johnson – 2013 Summer School Coordinator

The Certificates of Achievement and Diploma in Advanced Textile Studies awards are presented.  The purpose of the COA is to preserve and improve craftsmanship in hand-weaving, tapestry weaving, spinning, natural dyeing and synthetic dyeing and to promote education in such craftsmanship.

Certificate of Achievement_2     Certificate of Achievement_1

It was a fabulous ending to a fantastic week spent with phenomenal fiber folks!
(L-R)  Alison Coates, Jane Kirby, Andrea Cross, Alastair Duncan, Chris Cundiff, Elizabeth Hancock, Rita Corbett, Barbara Wright, Heather Dean, Sandra Combes, Sally Bohling.

dinner_2 dinner_3

The next AWSD Summer School will be in 2015 – in the Midlands of England.
I’ve started saving up….

Weaving in Wales – Summer School winds down…..

One of the best things about summer school is the ‘Walk About’ on Saturday afternoon.  This is when we all get a chance to see what everyone else has been doing all week.  It’s always a bit of a scavenger hunt adventure to find them all and this year was no different = 16 courses were held in 6 different buildings spread over the entire campus!  Turkey Red Dying won the prize for most creative dirctions by using ‘Follow the String’ to lead us through a labyrinth of hallways, in and out of the building (due to wet paint!) until we arrived at their location.

We got our classroom cleanup and table displays ready.

10_workstation  classroom_2

Here’s a sampling of the work produced in the Tapestry course woven by
Sally Bohlings    ——     Alison Coates    ——–   Sandra Combes
Sally Bohling  Alison Coates Sandra Combes

Rita Corbett       ————        Andrea Cross
Rita Corbett  Andrea Cross

Elizabeth Hancock     ——–      Barbara Wright
Elizabeth Hancock  Barbara Wright

Here’s a quick tour of some of the other courses…..

Bags_1  Bags from Bits

Breaking rules_1 breaking rules_2  Rule Breaking Weaving

Damask weaving  Pick-up Damask in linen

Designer spinning_1 Designer Spinning

Eco dye_1 Eco Dye_2 Eco Dying

Garments_1 Garments_2 Sewing Handwoven Fabric

Ikat_1 Warp Ikat

string bags_1 string bags_2 String Bags

Turkey red_1 turkey red_2 Turkey Red & All That Madder

GreenMan still on pause…..

With 2/3 completed I’ve had to put GreenMan is on ‘pause’ so I could get a piece submitted for the AAFG show at the Power Center on the University of Michigan campus.  It was not selected – darn.  Any time you submit something for a show that features multiple artists (over 24 with this one!) the committee has to look at balancing the variety of techniques used, over all impact in a large space and balance of the exhibit.  I’ll submit it for our next show in March which is a smaller gallery setting.

Heron completed

‘Heron’ is wet felted.  The image is carded wool fibers on silk chiffon fabric which is backed with 2 layers of carded merion wool fibers.  Finished demensions 28″ x 34″

Below you can see the difference 40%-45% shrinkage makes.  Staring dimensions approx 43″ x 54″

heron layout

Glass Spinning Wheel

Cinderella meets Sleeping Beauty…..
This is an amazing blend of Art & Craft and IS a working spinning wheel!!!
Click on this link Andy Paiko Glass Spinning Wheel to see it in action.
It is spellbinding!!!

glass wheel

Alas, this wheel is one of a kind and has already been sold, but if you’re lucky enough to be in Washington, D.C. before 3 Feb then you can see it in the Craft Futures exhibition at the Renwick Gallery.