Weaving in Wales – Summer School winds down…..

One of the best things about summer school is the ‘Walk About’ on Saturday afternoon.  This is when we all get a chance to see what everyone else has been doing all week.  It’s always a bit of a scavenger hunt adventure to find them all and this year was no different = 16 courses were held in 6 different buildings spread over the entire campus!  Turkey Red Dying won the prize for most creative dirctions by using ‘Follow the String’ to lead us through a labyrinth of hallways, in and out of the building (due to wet paint!) until we arrived at their location.

We got our classroom cleanup and table displays ready.

10_workstation  classroom_2

Here’s a sampling of the work produced in the Tapestry course woven by
Sally Bohlings    ——     Alison Coates    ——–   Sandra Combes
Sally Bohling  Alison Coates Sandra Combes

Rita Corbett       ————        Andrea Cross
Rita Corbett  Andrea Cross

Elizabeth Hancock     ——–      Barbara Wright
Elizabeth Hancock  Barbara Wright

Here’s a quick tour of some of the other courses…..

Bags_1  Bags from Bits

Breaking rules_1 breaking rules_2  Rule Breaking Weaving

Damask weaving  Pick-up Damask in linen

Designer spinning_1 Designer Spinning

Eco dye_1 Eco Dye_2 Eco Dying

Garments_1 Garments_2 Sewing Handwoven Fabric

Ikat_1 Warp Ikat

string bags_1 string bags_2 String Bags

Turkey red_1 turkey red_2 Turkey Red & All That Madder

Weaving in Wales -The adventure begins…

Arrival at Summer School wearing my 'Surround Sound' vest

Arrival at Summer School wearing my ‘Surround Sound’ vest

On August 1st, I boarded a plane and flew east across the Atlantic for the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers biennial summer school being held at University of Wales Trinity St. Davids College in Carmarthen, Wales.  Over 200 fiber loving folks gathered for a week to participate in the 16 course being offered this year in:

Spinning Beyond the Basics
Creative Spinning
Short Fibre Spinning

Australian Aboriginal String Bags
Kumihimo/Marudai Braiding

Eco Dyeing
Turkey Red/Madder

Bags from Bits
Sewing Handwoven Fabric

3-End Block Weave
Warp Ikat
Pick-up Damask in Linen
Rule Breaking Weaving
Inkle Weaving
Textiles that Shape Themselves

I arrived Friday evening and wandered about Carmarthen, the oldest town in Wales and legendary birthplace of Merlin, on Saturday and Sunday.

deciphering signage

deciphering signage

enjoying market day

enjoying market day

exploring the castle

exploring the castle

Complete with a rainbow, summer school began Sunday evening as we all gathered to reconnect with friends and meet our instructors.


Alastair Duncan

There were 12 of us in the tapestry class taught by Alastair Duncan.  Alastair was born in Scotland, raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland and now lives in Wales.

Classes ran Mon-Sat from 9am-5pm with evening lectures, activities, or continuing to work in our classrooms or taking work back to our dorm rooms.

On Monday we……


talked about design

warping  frame looms

warped frame looms

weaving exercises

and completed several exercises.

By 10pm I had completed my first project and was ready to call it a day.

3 1/2" x 6"

Project 1 (3 1/2″ x 6″)

Making stuff in March

Been a busy set of weeks since my last posting!!

‘Heron’ was accepted for the AAFG show in the gallery at the Village Theater at Cherry Hill, Canton, MI.  The show run March 1-26, 2013.

village theater


March 8-10, I spent a fabulous 3 days in a dye workshop with Jane Dunnewold.  Jane is a wonderful artist and teacher!  Using fiber reactive MX dyes, we printed on silk, cotton, linen, and rayon fabric using stencils, thermofax screen printing, paint brushes, stamps and more!!

mulitcolor screens

I spent the last day working on a parasol.  Using stencil, thermofax screen printing and paint brushes on a commercial cotton umbrella blank I created ‘Butterfly Sunshade’ Parasol.  Using the brushes to ‘paint’ the dyes created the textured ‘watercolor’ effect.  UV block sun protection fabric treatment provides 30+ UPF.

schutzgruber parasol umbrella_1


Over the past 2 weeks, I made 2 new garments from yardage I wove last summer.  The jacket and vest (along with the dyed parasol) have been accepted for the runway at the AAFG’s annual Fiber Feast Fashion Show on April 13th.

Woven in plain weave @24epi.  The warp is 5/2 spaced dyed mercerized perle cotton (‘Prairie’ from Valley Cottons) with a 1″ stripe of 5/2 black perle cotton.  The weft is 10/2 perle cotton.  The woven fabric reminds me of the dark chestnut coat and stripes on the hindquarters and upper legs, the Okapi of central Africa.

brown stripe yardage


brown yardage washed

Woven in plain weave – @24epi.  The warp is alternating stripes of thick and thin Rayon Boucle.  The weft is a Mohair/wool/nylon blend.

The woven fabric reminds me of the changing colors of the fall foliage here in Michigan.  The finished vest is fully lined in silk habotai.

vest front