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Weaving in Wales – moving into mid week……

The good news…. I’m no longer a beginner tapestry weaver and my instructor challenges me to improve my skills. The bad news…. I’m no longer a beginner tapestry weaver and my instructor challenges me to improve my skills.   Tuesday I brought my newly finished sample to class.  Alastair’s comments were, “Nice straight selvages and […]

Recycle… Upcycle…. Fairs… and more…..

The past 30 days have been filled with projects coming to completion (deadlines are my friend!) with 2 major events this month: demonstrating weaving all day at the Saline Celtic Festival and co-chairing AAFG’s participation in the Ann Arbor Art Fairs. Deadline:  Have the ‘Surround Sound Vest’ completed for display at the Saline Celtic Festival Earlier […]

Thoughts for Father’s Day

   Gene Schutz (circa 1973) I have no memories of ever thinking Dad looked deformed.  He was just ‘dad’.  To me what was strange were the pictures of him when he was young – like the basketball picture from his high school yearbook.  There he was – standing tall, poised, ready to shoot, both arms […]

So much fiber… but only so much space!

‘STASH’…. Webster defines it as “a secret store of something”. Fiber artists are famous (or infamous!) when it comes to our stash because you never know when you just might need that specific yarn, color or fabric. Granted… sometimes our houses do look like an episode of ‘Hoarders’ as the yarn, roving, fabric…. whatever our […]

Felting with Suzanne Higgs – Day 2

Felting at the Michigan Fiber Festival Symposium in Kalamazoo, MI at the end of March.  I did 2 workshops with Suzanne Higgs. Day 2 – Fabulous, Funky, Fun Felt Bag For this workshop we made felt bags using recycled sari silk as surface embellishment. Light weight, flexible plastic 1 1/2 times larger than the desired […]

Felting with Suzanne Higgs – Day 1

March ended with 2 days of felting at the Michigan Fiber Festival Symposium in Kalamazoo, MI.  I did 2 workshops with Suzanne Higgs. Day 1 – Dyeing Habotia Silk & Nuno Felting 1) We started by dyeing 5mm habotia silk with Jacquard Acid Dyes.   Mine began with three dye passes using yellow, hot pink […]